Episode 32: Should You Sell Now Or Not?

Jun 15, 2020


Why you have to check out today’s podcast:

  • Find out why you should stop selling out of guilt and fear
  • Learn about what you can and should do if you decide to open your beauty business at this time
  • Learn about what you can do to keep your business moving ahead should you decide to stay closed for the meantime 



Those of us in the beauty industry have big hearts and we are in this business because we love helping others. That is why we have to be reminded that whatever decision we choose to make at this time must be done out of concern for clients. 

If you choose to stay closed at the moment and not sell, may it not be for the reason of guilt and fear. Feeling guilty that you are taking something from your clients robs them of the right to feel good about themselves because we're not just talking about surface beauty. It’s a lot more than that, it’s about confidence and taking back time that are the real results. Your guilt is...

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Episode 31: How To Manage Expectations

May 13, 2020


Why you have to check out today’s podcast:

  • Learn what constitutes a realistic expectation both short-term and long-term
  • See the importance of communication and how to be sensitive to clients’ expectations of your business
  • Learn to understand consumers’ behavior and incorporate them into your renewed business expectations




If we are going to pull through this crisis, we must work together to adjust our expectations. Be honest and transparent with your clients. Communicate your position and share some of the changes you have had to make as a result of this pandemic. We're all in this together, so communicating effectively will help bridge some of the gaps and insecurities running rampant right now.

When you're setting expectations for yourself, know that you cannot please everyone. One person can surely make an impact, but one person cannot do it ALL. We are in a new normal now, which makes it necessary to adjust our expectations since...

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Episode 30: How Starting a Covid-19 Garden is Like Starting a Beauty Business

May 13, 2020


Why you have to check out today’s podcast:

  • See how panicking costs you more than it serves you
  • Learn why and when it's harmful to spend more money than you should on your business 
  • Learn why adding value to your customer base is more important than giving discounts




Gardening has taught me so much these days that I can’t help comparing it to starting a beauty business. You have a plan, you want everything to be in place and you buy everything you can to help run things smoothly. Sacrifice and patience are necessary to grow the plants in your garden and achieve goals for your business.

Perfect results do not happen instantly in either a garden or a business. In business there is a knowledge gap and a learning curve to consider, and it takes time as well as money. You need to have a strategic plan to get you through every facet of handling your business. Panicking is the fastest way for your plan to get off track. Purchasing...

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Episode 29: Fear, Faith, and Focus

May 13, 2020


Why you have to check out today’s podcast:

  • Learn why fear shouldn't take over your passions, and glimpse some countermeasures to find the productive mindset you need to gain success
  • Find out how the power of your words and thoughts can transform the darkest of situations into channels of creativity and productivity
  • How to maintain focus, overcome fears, and accomplish your business goals for yourself and for your business



Fear is definitely abundant these days. But, if we allow ourselves to be consumed by it, we won't get anything done and our businesses will suffer as a result. We have to remember that our words and thoughts have power over us and our feelings. It is so important at a time like this to nourish our minds with creativity and inventiveness so that we can push our businesses towards success and growth. When it comes to our beauty business, think positive thoughts. Don’t ever think people won’t buy from us since it...

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Episode 28: The #1 Thing to Overcome CrisisĀ 

May 13, 2020


Why you have to check out today’s podcast: 

  • Learn about the right mindset to imbibe to be productive and to move forward in your business amidst the crisis 
  • Find out what surveys and studies say about social media and people’s behavior at this time to help you push forward in your marketing and social media presence 
  • Discover helpful thoughts and free resources to help you craft an action plan necessary to keep your business afloat in this tough time


“If you don't get your mindset right then you're going to sabotage your business without even realizing it.”

- April Meese


When we allow ourselves to be consumed by negativity, our health suffers and we become unproductive. How should we respond when life presents us with something beyond our control? Businesses have been hit hard recently, and no one knows what will happen today, tomorrow, or the next day. The uncertainty can be daunting, but we have a business...

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Episode 27: Sustaining Your Beauty Business

May 13, 2020


Why you have to check out today’s podcast:

  • Come up with an action plan in to sustain your business and glimpse the two most important things to focus on during tough times
  • Learn about the do’s and don'ts in running your business at this challenging time
  • Become more familiar with  The Beauty Marketing Content Club and how it can help you build your business


Having your own business requires an extra amount of your effort, time, and focus regardless of what's going on in the world. Think of this pandemic and quarantine as an even greater call to action to drive your business forward. A reactive mindset is not the solution to all of this uncertainty; rather, being proactive will help sustain your business and lead it to success. Your clients and customers need your presence, and marketing is the key to maximizing your influence. Thinking outside the box and coming up with new marketing strategies and techniques is essential to the growth of your...

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Episode 26: The Five "R's" You Should Do For Your Beauty Business Now!

May 13, 2020


Why you have to check out today’s podcast:

  • Find new ways to connect and support one another in such uncertain times
  • A plan of action for our business to continue without being insensitive to others' plights
  • Learn about the needed five "R's" to navigate our difficult situation



We're encountering a new normal where uncertainty is commonplace, but there is still so much that we can do for ourselves, our businesses and each other to combat this negativity. There is so much positivity and we must support and connect with each other to fill in any gaps and help when needed. No one has all of the answers to what is happening, but the resilient human spirit in all of us remains steadfast and helps us cope during this challenging time. We can come out of this stronger and more ready to grow with each other's help.

This episode focuses on how to find resources, create an action plan, and encourage you to nurture your business as well as our customers who are...

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Episode 25: Coronavirus - A Message Of Hope In Uncertain Times

Mar 31, 2020


Why you have to check out today’s podcast:

  • Hear a message that will alleviate your fears and anxiety
  • Find out what you can control that will be a big help for you and your business
  • Learn how you can help your community and yourself in the process



This may not be an easy time, but certainly this is the best time to be good to ourselves and to other people around us.  Everyone is experiencing anxiety and fear and now is the right time to take those emotions and channel them into something more useful and meaningful. There are still things we can do to lessen the impact this Coronavirus has brought into our lives.  This episode we have today brings hope and positivity at this time. Let’s go and listen in!


“Right now, just think about, instead of thinking ‘What do I need?’, think about ‘Where am I needed?’.”

- April Meese

Topics Covered: 

01:54 - The time to be sensitive and support each...

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Episode 24: Is Your Beauty Business Prepared For Recession?

Mar 23, 2020



Why you have to check out today’s podcast: 

  • How not to panic and how to devise your marketing strategies so as to save expenses and still show and talk about the value of your services even when everyone is tightening his belt 
  • Learn about the important things to keep in mind during a recession and find out the valuable course of actions to take to help your beauty business thrive in the midst of a tough situation 
  • Find out strategies and proactive ways on where to find clients at a time of recession 



We are at a time where we feel the onslaught of the global downturn. The fear that this big pandemic crisis is gripping us with is evident.  When things like this happen, usually people take 1 of 2 approaches.   First there are those that think of the worst outcome (the sky is falling down) and the other one is, those who are in denial that anything negative will happen.  

This is not to sound...

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Episode 23: Are You Playing to Win or Are You Playing Not to Lose?

Mar 23, 2020


Why you have to check out today’s podcast:

  • Know the critical steps you can take if your business is struggling
  • Learn why we need to change in order to help our business
  • How marketing enables you to create awareness, capture your clients’ attention, connect with your clients, and convey the value of your services



In social media marketing, there are countless strategies that you can discover.  The challenging part is figuring out what will work and what will not for your business.  But the hardest part is adapting to its changes.  And change is inevitable in social media.  That’s why, as business owners, we also need to change, think and do things differently.  Are you taking appropriate actions to meet your goals?  But what if your business is struggling?  Will you be able to turn it around and save it from dying?

Don’t miss this episode and find out why it becomes harder to stand out in social...

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