Episode 30: How Starting a Covid-19 Garden is Like Starting a Beauty Business

May 13, 2020


Why you have to check out today’s podcast:

  • See how panicking costs you more than it serves you
  • Learn why and when it's harmful to spend more money than you should on your business 
  • Learn why adding value to your customer base is more important than giving discounts




Gardening has taught me so much these days that I can’t help comparing it to starting a beauty business. You have a plan, you want everything to be in place and you buy everything you can to help run things smoothly. Sacrifice and patience are necessary to grow the plants in your garden and achieve goals for your business.

Perfect results do not happen instantly in either a garden or a business. In business there is a knowledge gap and a learning curve to consider, and it takes time as well as money. You need to have a strategic plan to get you through every facet of handling your business. Panicking is the fastest way for your plan to get off track. Purchasing...

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Episode 29: Fear, Faith, and Focus

May 13, 2020


Why you have to check out today’s podcast:

  • Learn why fear shouldn't take over your passions, and glimpse some countermeasures to find the productive mindset you need to gain success
  • Find out how the power of your words and thoughts can transform the darkest of situations into channels of creativity and productivity
  • How to maintain focus, overcome fears, and accomplish your business goals for yourself and for your business



Fear is definitely abundant these days. But, if we allow ourselves to be consumed by it, we won't get anything done and our businesses will suffer as a result. We have to remember that our words and thoughts have power over us and our feelings. It is so important at a time like this to nourish our minds with creativity and inventiveness so that we can push our businesses towards success and growth. When it comes to our beauty business, think positive thoughts. Don’t ever think people won’t buy from us since it...

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Episode 28: The #1 Thing to Overcome CrisisĀ 

May 13, 2020


Why you have to check out today’s podcast: 

  • Learn about the right mindset to imbibe to be productive and to move forward in your business amidst the crisis 
  • Find out what surveys and studies say about social media and people’s behavior at this time to help you push forward in your marketing and social media presence 
  • Discover helpful thoughts and free resources to help you craft an action plan necessary to keep your business afloat in this tough time


“If you don't get your mindset right then you're going to sabotage your business without even realizing it.”

- April Meese


When we allow ourselves to be consumed by negativity, our health suffers and we become unproductive. How should we respond when life presents us with something beyond our control? Businesses have been hit hard recently, and no one knows what will happen today, tomorrow, or the next day. The uncertainty can be daunting, but we have a business...

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Episode 17: Goal setting for 2020

Feb 06, 2020


Why you have to check out today’s podcast:

  • Learn why reviewing highlights from the previous year is always important in setting your goals for the new year and how to effectively do it
  • The reason why a written vision is beneficial in defining your goals
  • Discover the importance of identifying obstructions, distractions and any roadblocks that will keep you from reaching your goals and how to navigate past those



Now that we’re done in identifying the upcoming marketing trends for 2020, it’s now time to do another critical yet powerful task for your business – goal setting.  When you set your goals, you are getting countless benefits for your business – focus, direction, clarity, control, motivation, personal satisfaction, purpose, etc.  The list is endless. 

With my mission to help you grow your business, I came up with this episode and workshop-in-one to discuss the highly regarded importance of goal setting. ...

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Episode 16: Upcoming Marketing Trends for 2020

Jan 30, 2020


  • Why you have to check out today's podcast:

    • Facebook ad rules have become stricter and how you have to adapt to these changes
    • The trend in "binge-ing" of content, what it means to your beauty business
    • The reason why in-person events will be a massive trend in 2020 and how your business can benefit from it


    The start of a new year is the perfect time to look back and assess what worked and what didn't work in your business, and make new plans to meet your goals. An essential step in achieving your business goals is to focus on which marketing trends will make 2020 your breakthrough year. Understanding these marketing trends at the start of the year will enable you to make sound business strategies and grow your business optimally. In this episode, I will share the marketing trends that you need to know about in 2020.


    "When they have a connection with you, that is the way that you stand out. They're binge-watching your stuff, and therefore they're...

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