Episode 28: The #1 Thing to Overcome Crisis 

May 13, 2020


Why you have to check out today’s podcast: 

  • Learn about the right mindset to imbibe to be productive and to move forward in your business amidst the crisis 
  • Find out what surveys and studies say about social media and people’s behavior at this time to help you push forward in your marketing and social media presence 
  • Discover helpful thoughts and free resources to help you craft an action plan necessary to keep your business afloat in this tough time


“If you don't get your mindset right then you're going to sabotage your business without even realizing it.”

- April Meese


When we allow ourselves to be consumed by negativity, our health suffers and we become unproductive. How should we respond when life presents us with something beyond our control? Businesses have been hit hard recently, and no one knows what will happen today, tomorrow, or the next day. The uncertainty can be daunting, but we have a business to run and can't get too caught up in what we can't control. Self-care is an important tool to stay healthy and maintain clarity and productivity as we move through this tough time. We can choose to focus on the negative aspects of this new normal, OR we can adjust our perspective to come up with a fresh, more positive outlook for the sake of ourselves, our families, and our businesses. Don't let the negativity infect your ability to seek creativity, because creativity is the perfect combatant to our current plight. 

It is important to rise above the roadblocks in front of us to find success in more creative ways. Times are hard, but it still is not the end of the world. If we open ourselves to the possibility that we can grow through these difficult obstacles, we can. Act on your fears and turn it into something advantageous to your business. Let's focus our time and efforts on the things we can control.  

This episode presents free resources, strategies, and insightful studies from conducted surveys to keep your business flourishing. These strategies are a great way to foster creativity and put you in a productive, clear mindset to give your business a boost during this crisis.


Topics Covered: 

00:57 - That one big thing for your business to get through this COVID crisis 

02:57 - Free COVID 19 resources - scripts and links you can use to help you talk to your clients 

06:54 - April elaborated on doing both these two things that will help you greatly at this time: Stepping back and stepping forward 

09:31 - Change the way you think about the situation. Instead of saying, 'I have to stay home', you can say, 'I get to stay home' 

11:02 - Look at this time to reprioritize what is important to you 

13:09 - Get more clarity at what is important at this time to move your business forward 

15:05 - Studies about people's plans during this quarantine time to encourage you to make and do something valuable 

17:54 - A study by Facebook of about 76% increase of people's engagement on the Facebook platform, which means the perfect time to be showing up for your business  

19:29 - The free covid19 resource link: AprilMeese.com/resources 

24:28 - Don't fall into a scarcity mindset, focus on what you can control. Don't do deep discounts that your business can't recover from 

30:18 - Be creative on how you serve the clients 

32:15 - A recap of the right mindset to have at this time 

34:34 - Helpful thoughts to help build your beauty business and do something productive


Key Takeaways:

“Believe that this time right now is the time to rise above the chaos, to build your business and your life really on solid ground with courage and resilience, because I know you have both because you started a beauty business.” - April Meese 

“People help people that help themselves. You might need to kind of step back to decide what's going to work for you and your business. But don't stay there too long because the way to see a difference in your business is to take that one step forward.” - April Meese 

“We're going to change the way we think about the situation. Instead of saying, I have to stay home, you can say I get to stay home.” - April Meese 

“You get to decide what you want to happen at the end of this like there's crisis time and there's an after a crisis and what you are going to get out of this.” - April Meese 

“According to Michael Hyatt, When times are tough, ask yourself, what does this now make possible?” - April Meese 

“While you're processing what's happening around you, take a moment to decide how and what you want to come out of this time” - April Meese 

“It's not the time to do the deep, deep discounts that your business can't recover from. And the reason I say that is because when you try to go back to normal pricing, you get a lot of pushback. Not saying I'm against discounts, I always say that. But the deep, deep ones are really hard to recover.” - April Meese 

“Get creative on how you service the client.” - April Meese 

“Hear me say learners are earners, but action takers are the real moneymakers.” -April Meese 

Figure out what's important and prioritize that.” - April Meese


If you would like to get a FREE copy of my "Uncommon Strategies to Get Clients Now" where I share my signature Client Attraction Formula then click here for that PDF  https://www.aprilmeese.com/client-attraction-formula


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