Five things PMU & Microblading Artists Need to Do to Make an Impact

Feb 01, 2018

Five things PMU & Microblading Artists Need to Do to Make an Impact

We all have a million and two hats that we're wearing. We are running our businesses, we are doing the marketing, we're customer service, sometimes we're the maid service. You know, we gotta clean, we're gonna do all of these things. But I'm gonna give you five things that are gonna make an impact on your business and again, this is just really geared to growing your business. Sound good?

First, we will classify microblading artists into two groups:
(a) Those who have good steady clients that are coming in, and are overwhelmed, trying to balance it and scale and uplevel
(b) Those who are in the beginning stage and are just struggling to make a name for themselves and to get their brand out there

Kind of really stand out in what's becoming an increasingly crowded market. So you're either in those two groups. People classified under Group number A are those just starting out, and they really want to get their brand and business known. They're wanting to attract more clients, maybe that also includes develop a social media following that can go in the way. However, there are some who could even be in second group and still want that. On the other hand, some of them might not be starting out. They could be doing this for a while but they just haven't really advertised themselves. And now they want to step it up. All in all, their real struggle is just attracting clients.

Group B artists are overwhelmed in a different way. They have clients coming in, they have a good steady flow, and their business is doing well. But now they came to a point where they are really overwhelmed with where to go next. Like, how are they going to market it, what are they going to do, how are they going to uplevel it, and what moves do they need to make that are gonna make the biggest difference in your business.

We're doing the work so much and we don't have time. We're working in our business that we don't have time to work ON our business. And it's hard because if you're constantly doing everything, you don't have a chance to get to that next level. So now, I want to just dive in right now to the five tips for really getting more clients and again, this is gonna be five things that can make an impact on your business.

1. Goals - I know, we hear it, we are like” Ugh, blew in the face” But here's the thing: we make goals for our business, like I want to get to 100K, I wanna get to maybe you just want to get to 75K. Whatever business goal is for the year – maybe it's to do multiple six figures – whatever you wanna do, whatever your goal is. And we make that financial goal, but we don't really get specific with our goals and we rarely write down our marketing goals. You can't hit a bull's eye if you don't know what your target is. So you have to pick a spot that you want to achieve and what is it going to take you to get there.

2. Get Out of Your Head - We all have this self talk and what that self talk does is of course it's meant to protect us. We have a great idea, we have a lot of things to do, and then we think of what ifs, or all of these things why it might not work. Or I don't have time, which is a big one. Time isn't gonna fall out of the sky. It's just not waiting for a long time. That doesn't happen. So have to make time. You have to schedule it in like I said. We think this is a big one. I know I fall into this trap: perfectionism. We want it to be perfect before we get started.

3. Get Started - There's like a little saying that is something like “When is the best time to plant a tree?” And the answer is... 10 years ago. When is the second best time to plant a tree? Today. Now. So it's obviously we don't have—we can't go back 10 year ago, but the idea is that the second best time is now. So there's never a fantastic time other than the present to get started. So listen: you don't need to hesitate because two years you still have something to offer. You are lightyears ahead of your clients. You know, your clients do not know all of the benefits of permanent makeup or microblading. They probably haven't even heard of those terms. When you are teaching something and you're gonna be connecting with your audience and giving value and actually teaching them things, you just need to be a couple steps in front of them to show them the path. So don't doubt yourself.

4. Give it Time - There's gonna be days where you wanna quit and you're gonna say like "Oh, this isn't working!" But you, if you're doing the Facebook Lives, you're gonna reach people. And whatever strategy you design – if you're trying to uplevel, you're trying to automate and delegate, you're gonna be interviewing and you’re just gonna be like "Oh my gosh, I could do it faster myself." But overtime, this is what I'll tell you as you know, your time is worth way more. I'm assuming you're doing permanent makeup, you're doing a couple hundred dollars per hour. So you need to look at the tasks in your business that are taking time. Even like the simplest things like doing a post. Like that obviously, that needs to be automated. Like that takes up so much time and our time needs to be spent on things that are bringing us in more money. So that's gonna be like with the clients. And also, that's gonna free it up so you don't feel so burned out. And when you get that energy back, you're gonna have so much more passion about your business because you feel better, because you have better energy because you delegated it out.

5. Guidance - This is where a lot of us get stuck. Because I don’t know about you but I am like kind of a self-starter and that I'm gonna jump and I'm gonna figure it out on my way down type of person. And I just grew up like I don’t have to ask for help, like I don’t know but I'm changed and all that. I've come to see the light. And the thing is sometimes you really just need guidance and you need either someone that has, like I said, been just a few steps ahead of you. Sometimes you get too much guidance and it gets confusing, because now you're overwhelmed with a million options and you're not really knowing where to start. But just getting the right guidance so, if finding somebody that is where you wanna be, and you're looking at what they did to uplevel their business, and you're just kind of following that path.


If you are just starting you can check out my Beauty Business Checklist.  It's a free PDF resource here 

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