Episode 7: Boundaries=Self-Worth=Confidence

Oct 08, 2019


Why you have to check out today’s podcast:

  • Discover how setting boundaries in your business and personal life will lead you to have more self-worth.
  • What is self-integrity, and why is it a hard thing to do?
  • Learn the actionable advice to define the situations that are crossing over the boundaries in your business and personal life.



Dealing with various factors affecting our own and business lives can be very tough and challenging.  That’s why it is crucial to define your boundaries, to honor yourself, and to have self-worth. Boundaries are the limits we establish to protect ourselves physically, emotionally, and mentally.  When we are clear with our limitations, we are valuing ourselves and defining our self-worth.  And when we are honoring yourself and showing that we have self-esteem, our confidence will grow. 

In this episode, I share my experiences and insightful advice in correlating boundaries, self-worth, and confidence not only in building a beauty business but also in improving our lives.  Join me in this another exciting episode where I always love to share my stories with the hope that you’ll get wisdom, value, and beauty in my journey.  


“When you stand up for yourself and honor yourself, and show that self-worth, your confidence will grow.”

- April Meese


Topics Covered:

01:03 – Why this episode will help you if you are experiencing boundary issues

04:07 – April cites uncomfortable situations she experienced in building her beauty business and how she dealt with those circumstances

05:44 – Narrating the advice she gave to one of her students in handling a situation with a backstabber and applying it to herself

09:18 – Creating rules and setting boundaries in your business and personal life

11:38 – Keeping self-integrity with the boundaries you set

14:14 – How self-worth will grow your confidence

15:07 – The action steps in handling situations that are crossing over the limits in your business and personal life

15:55 – April invites the listeners to mark their calendar the launching of her signature program called Elevate in mid of October


 Key Takeaways:

 “Building a personal brand and being a beauty professional is one of the hardest things next to raising children and being in a committed relationship.  It challenges you to look deep in yourself. It shines a spotlight on all of your insecurities and all of your inner stories.” – April Meese

“When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.” – Maya Angelou

“Self-integrity is keeping your word to yourself. And that can be hard to do.  We make promises to ourselves of doing better or reaching a goal of having a commitment that we haven't told anybody else about. But then, we kind of bend the rules and do not have that self-integrity.” – April Meese

 “Remember that this is true integrity, and this is truly valuing yourself and your self-worth, how you feel about yourself, and not how others judge is what's most important.” – April Meese


If you would like to get a FREE copy of my "Uncommon Strategies to Get Clients Now" where I share my signature Client Attraction Formula then click here for that PDF https://www.aprilmeese.com/client-attraction-formula

 Connect with April Meese:



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