Episode 37: Understand Why and How to do Your Marketing

Jul 10, 2020

Why‌ ‌you‌ ‌have‌ ‌to‌ ‌check‌ ‌out‌ ‌today’s‌ ‌podcast:‌ 

  • Learn about how valuable marketing is in your business
  • Find out the two parts of marketing you need to focus on
  • Discover about the massive value repetition has in your marketing


Repetition is big in marketing. Why do many brands advertise? Because marketing is creative and repetitive. To create a more memorable and good feeling about one's product or service, big brands launch slogans. Powerful slogans get stuck in our minds and for years, people will still remember them. 

But there has to be something more than a slogan because, in itself, it is not enough. Your brand's value must be conveyed. This is where the two parts of marketing come in. The strategic and tactical parts. It is good to have your website, do Facebook ads, social media posts, trade shows, and what have you- this is the tactical part.

Then there is your marketing message. What do you want to convey to your clients? Is it connecting with them, their fears, their aspirations, and their problems? Yes! They need your solutions. You could spend a big amount on any of the tactical stuff but if your message doesn’t relate with your clients, it won’t work.

Think of it this way, your marketing helps people make good decisions. The message you convey will help them decide that your product is the best choice for them. Your brand's value must be clear to them. As with beauty services, it is not enough to just present the before and after results.

Highlight the things that are not so obvious to the client. Educate them about the whole process or service so they will feel confident about themselves. You should start with empathy and understand where they're at.

Marketing answers their objections.

Once your message resonates with what they feel and their pain, then you have earned their trust. And that's going to get them to take action. 

When customers don’t see a difference between what you offer versus the competitor’s then they would default to the least complex variable and that is price.

When people don’t understand the value of what you are offering, price becomes a deciding factor for them. Last but not least, when you are doing good marketing you won't have to hard sell.        

“What you say in your marketing and how you say it is as important as where you say it.” 

- April Meese

Topics Covered:

00:54 - When mainstream marketing happened

02:20 - What are slogans for 

04:04 - The power of repetition in marketing

06:10 - How to know if your marketing resonates with your audience

07:41 - What does it all come down to if customers can't see the difference between your brand and the competitor's

08:24 - What is a strategic marketing

09:00 - Tactical marketing explained

11:38 - What is the purpose of marketing and what should you do with your marketing

13:48 - Is your marketing positioning your services or products in a desirable way?

16:44 - Give them a reason to take action

18:01 - What do you need to fix in your marketing message first

19:38 - Getting that reticular activating system on

21:00 - What to remember about your social media and why should you keep repeating yourself

22:11 - All about the Elevate Program 

Key Takeaways:

“This is what's really key when you are repetitive with your marketing, two things happen. One, the client starts to remember you more, and it activates what's in the brain called the reticular activating system. It activates this familiarity.” - April Meese

“And so the big brands, what they did is they developed slogans to kind of make their brand more memorable and to really connect with their audience instead of their audience would choose them.” - April Meese

“These big brands, what they're doing is they're actually continuing to say their message over and over again. That’s the power of repetition.” - April Meese

The strategic marketing is really all about your message, what you say, how you convey your value, it's going to be answering objections, it's going to be all of the strategic ways of thinking about how you are going to set yourself apart in the market to get clients. It's all of the things about your brand and all of the things that the customer wants.”  - April Meese

Tactical marketing is placing the ads, it's building the website. It's maybe doing social media, it's doing trade shows, it's doing any of those things. That's when you actually get in and do the marketing.” - April Meese


Both are important, but the real leverage comes in the message itself and how that message is connecting with your clients.”  - April Meese

“The purpose of marketing is to help prospective clients to really make a decision. So they see the value and then they're able to make a better decision and remember, as humans, we all want to make good decisions.” - April Meese

Your marketing should be educating the clients right and should start with your empathy, saying I understand what your frustration and your pain and why you're wanting to have the service whether its brows or whatever the service you offer, you are empathizing with them, you understand where they're at.” - April Meese

Next thing is, you are educating them on the difference between you and maybe the other competitors down the street, and why it's better so that they can feel confident that they're making a good decision.” - April Meese

“It's getting into the reticular activating system. And we're really thinking about why they buy what they buy, and we are wanting to constantly be in front of them so that they're like, ‘Oh, there's that brand again’, Oh, when she's talking to me, it's like she knows me. We're thinking about all of those things.” - April Meese

If you would like to get a FREE copy of my "Uncommon Strategies to Get Clients Now" where I share my signature Client Attraction Formula then click here for that PDF  https://www.aprilmeese.com/client-attraction-formula

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