Episode 18: The Two Forgotten Marketing Must-Haves

Feb 16, 2020


Why you have to check out today’s podcast:

  • Know the compelling reason why you need a marketing budget
  • Why it is crucial to treat your marketing as an investment and not an expense
  • Learn how a reliable front-end and back-end offer plus a strategy to reach out clients can effectively help your marketing strategy



Marketing has evolved over the years.  Nowadays, when you look at any social media platform, you’ll find lots of online marketing tactics trying to capture and win your audience’s attention.  As a business, we need to find innovative ways to reach to our audience, and often it feels overwhelming.  How should I connect with them?  How can I make my marketing message stand out from the rest?  What strategies should I use to convert them into buying customers?  Sure, there are lots of options but the real power lies in understanding the foundations of any marketing plan.  This episode will guide you to two significant yet forgotten marketing must-haves that every beauty business owner should know.  Deal with your struggles and get a dose of what’s hot and what’s not that can help you on your marketing plans.


Unless you're the cheapest, there's no value in being the second cheapestSo, competing on price is a loss.  This is why you need to have that marketing message nailed down. And this is when people feel like their marketing isn't working for them.

 - April Meese


Topics Covered:

01:43 – The importance of discussing the essential marketing must-haves

03:46 – Planning your marketing budget

04:45 – What the statistics say on how much is the marketing budget for successful businesses

06:24 – The Be-Do-Have principle and making an impact

07:52 – Marketing as an investment rather than an expense

08:55The first forgotten marketing must-have: Having a solid marketing message to the right people at the right time.

10:47 – Does your marketing message stand out?

12:03 – Communicating the value of what you do

15:59 – Overcoming objections with your marketing message

17:12The second forgotten marketing must-have: Having a strategy – solid front-end and back-end offer and a strategy for reaching the clients

22:18 – Creating a video or webinar to educate your clients on the benefits of your service and why they should avail that service from you

25:25 – Retargeting people who visited your website and video

26:35 – What front-end and back-end offers mean

28:54 – Recap


Key Takeaways:

“Marketing is about connecting with potential clients and keeping your business going.” – April Meese

“Marketing is not an expense. It's an investment that comes back to your business." – April Meese

“The right pond is in front of the right people. And the right bait is your marketing message." – April Meese

“The cardinal rule of marketing is no longer about the stuff you sell, but about the stories you tell." – Seth Godin

“Marketing message is not only your story but the client's story in their mind." – April Meese

“Growth happens when we push ourselves outside of our comfort zone." – April Meese

If you would like to get a FREE copy of my "Uncommon Strategies to Get Clients Now" where I share my signature Client Attraction Formula then click here for that PDF https://www.aprilmeese.com/client-attraction-formula

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